
The Forum is a knowledge sharing platform for the professionals engaged in the legal field in its different dimensions. The Forum provides the meeting point for the Advocates, Jurists, Academicians, Law Officers, Judges, and the Law Students. As a nucleus for the space for interactions and deliberations between the law professionals, the Forum has been creating extra ordinary opportunities for conducting seminars (Since 1999) and lately Webinars for legal interactions.

The Forum is perennially in pursuit of connecting legal professionals from every part of the country. The members of the Forum are engaged in enriching legal knowledge and information through the medium of Seminars, Webinars, Website, and social media.

The Forum does not adhere to any political agenda and restricts its activities with focus on strengthening the legal institutions and the justice delivery system in the country.

The Forum has started a Journal recently for the purpose of publishing good articles on law, Book reviews and Judgment reviews for the benefit of the legal community.


Ajay Veer Singh
Indian Advocate Forum.